I have thought long and hard about this. I made some notes and still have reservations
about many things. But I sit down to
write (sometimes in strange places). It
seems that in the age of Post-modern America, where an obvious culture war that
was fought in the 1960’s. When we look
at the aftermath of this war, we can tell that it was won by the bad guys. There appears to be many things wrong in
America and with the church. I don’t like to point out others failures, so I
will be kind and understanding.
Here is food for thought.
What I would like to do is pose the question: what is the
Biblical church?
Some would believe that they need to go to a first century
setting of house churches. Others want
the pomp and circumstance of an ancient Christian religion with all its rituals
and traditions. Some want freedom from
ritual and a non-specific feeling with no substance, while others yearn for
truth, doctrine and discipline. This
last criterion is the strength of modern Christian cults! Still yet, there are
others that just want something "churchy" or maybe some have a genuine need to
address special physical and social problems in their life. Rescue missions and the Salvation Army are
excellent examples of this.
A spring board text would be 1 Corinthians 12 where Paul
speaks of Spiritual gifts. This
specifically dealt with three classes of gifts (Power, utterance, and miracles)
however; some have interpreted it to mean a great diversity of other things
that are not spelled out, and for that matter, not inferred! Another often used scripture is Ephesians
4:7-14 but once again, this is speaking of the 5-fold gift of the ministry
(Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers) and this is for the
purpose of discipleship and training.
So, where does that leave us? The question is what is the Biblical church?
I pose six things that constitute the Biblical church. They can be divided into two groups:
1. Things seen and intangible but perceived and felt
Things tangible, written down and applied
The intangible things are:
- Love
- Order
- Reverence in Worship
· The tangible things are:
- Doctrine
- Outreach
- Education
They may seem like little things, but I have observed people
and churches and there seems to be a balance of these items.
I will explain more on Wednesday (or Tuesday, if I get some comments posted)
Your Brother in Christ
And your Senpai in Karate
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