Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Battling windmills with Paper Airplanes

I consider myself to be a bit of a cynic, yet miss the mark on many occasions.  Maybe this is true wisdom. I haven't found out yet.
I noticed something recently from Bible reading and deep thought.  Proverbs says that "A brother offended is harder to be won than a walled city . . . "  and it seems in our society today that there are many arguments both political, social and religious that have de-evolved into nothing more than a shouting match of words and epithets.  Now, I don't mean that this has happened completely, because there are a lot of arguments out there that are not done with an ill spirit to hurt.  It does seem that all the ones that make it to national attention are hyper-emotional and do nothing but get people worked up and only serve to harden a persons opinion in the way it was already going.

This is really a depressing thought.

What I would like to share with you is a word warriors few thoughts of interest on battling the dragon windmill of social debate from, perhaps  an "antiquated"  world view:

  1. Love thy Enemies. . . 
  2. Be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves . . .
  3. To win without fighting is the greatest (method)

I spent quite a few years in street evangelism to realize that in speaking to random people you will get a percentage of people that just want to argue.  What causes this arguing?  A psychologist would give you many answers.  I would narrow it down to one primary reason: Pride

"Contention cometh only by pride . . ."

Pride in the opposition that they hold, or that they are offended, busy or are just plain old curmudgeons!  But even in this, do we love those people in humanity?  An important point to remember is that it is generally not the argument people hate in a debate.  It becomes the person.

it's hard to remember that we wish to win a person to our side and not vanquish that person.  I heard a preacher say (in giving some advice to a person who asked)  that "I don't argue with people, because I already know what I believe".  It's a whole new ball game when we realize, if we are sold on an idea and really know our material, loving, tolerating, forgiving that argumentative curmudgeon is really the best way to keep our cool and strive to leave an impact that doesn't come from an ax kick to the head!

Why a handshake is more than a sign of friendship: Humans use ...

I don't care about winning the Battle, I want to win the war for an eternal soul!

Your Brother in Christ
And  Senpai in Karate 

Monday, June 6, 2016

Abject Exercise

This may seem like an odd title, well... that's because it is. I was thinking the other day of some odd, off the cuff sayings I've heard over the years.  A few of them that come to mind are:

Anyone over 40 who still does martial arts actually practices "Kung-Old-fool"

karate, ha?  Bet you can't stop a bullet!

Having said these obviously pithy but silly sayings, lets look at my title:

"Abject Exercise"

Two seemingly in-congruent words, but they can best describe an adults self consciousness while practicing the martial arts.  Yes, the arts are for self confidence, self defense and even, in some cases, philosophical and spiritual training; but where did the word "abject" come in?
Usually from the meaning and connotation of something that is extremely destitute or embarrassingly bad.  This kind of describes the self image of your average neophyte.  It is odd to the outsider to wear the traditional do-gi (Gi  for short) and practice some of these odd customs.  It is also awkward to attempt to follow the stretches, kicks and punches of a person who is a seasoned practitioner of said martial arts.

One of my Senseis from many years ago would do some traditional Shotokan kicking drills in a forward stance for about 50 feet up and down the mat. These drills consisted of a front kick, round house kick and back kick, landing in the forward stance, then start over again.  He would always comment how visitors thought it was totally awesome to see these dynamic kicks. The were usually enthusiastic about starting.  It was quite another matter after the enthusiasm wore off and muscles were sore.

The new student does not understand the time involved to train to the level of the people they had seen!

The type of learning in the martial arts would best be described by psychologists as observational learning. In short, we see, we do.  Observational learning has four elements:

  • Attention
  • Memory
  • Imitation
  • Motivation

I will attempt to keep my thoughts on these four elements short, so for the sake of brevity here is a synopsis:
  1. Attention:  We must pay attention.  We tend to listen to a person who is proficient, or has the influence to be in charge.
  2. Memory: If we pay attention, we should retain (knowledge).  A good instructor is able to break things down to a great degree.
  3. Imitation:  This is what gets us in trouble.  Some are naturally uncoordinated and it may take time for the brain to connect with the body.  Other times our pride of "What will people think?" gets us in trouble because we don't want to fail or look silly on the mat. 

Mostly the grown ups here

      4.  Motivation:  Why did we sign up for class?  THIS is where I want to be in my   subject matter.    Lets face the facts.  There is something humbling about jumping around in colored pajamas and yelling KIAH!  but it is the goal we must keep in mind!
Goals are important.  Experts tell us to write down and set goals.  First short term goals to reach the achievable long term goals.  If you have started your "Abject exercise" routine don't give up! remember your goals!!

Your Brother in Christ
And  Senpai in Karate 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Well, here we go again

I remember quite some time back when I would search for blogs of interest and I found that they seemed abandoned.  There were great posts and then, they suddenly stopped.
It seemed like it was well over a year and I wondered what happened.

Then I started blogging and I'm in the same boat!

Some lessons are dangerous, especially if we even get slightly judgmental!

whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.


Well, anyway I'm back again and will blog more frequently.  I spent some time teaching and going to school.  Then another bout with Okinawan weapon. So now I am involved in the practice of learning Bo, Tonfa and Kama forms. Perhaps I was remiss in continuing my blog, but I have found out the hard way that there are only so many hours in the day. I need my time with my family, then I gave an extra emphasis to Bible study, two to three days a week to Karate and a 5 day a week secular job working nights.

It must always be remembered to keep priorities straight, and after God and family we order all other things.  This time I will be more frequent until I unveil my next blog.  I am currently working on another project, which I hope to start in September, but I do want to keep some of my karate thoughts on the front burner as well.

Stay tuned for my next installments!

Your Brother in Christ
And  Senpai in Karate 